
Career at Performance Group

We're navigating future and the future looks like You!

As a 360° agency, we provide comprehensive services, which means that each Client can receive full-service digital support, and you can have a full scope of tasks and projects to pursue your ambitions.

Whether you are a senior expert with impressive experience or just embarking upon the digital market adventure, we cannot wait to get to know you and discuss possibilities of cooperation!

Our Values

In our daily digital activities, we incorporate the values we are inspired by in our cooperation with clients and support each other in our team collaborations.

We determined them together by asking each employee what we should be guided by as an organization. As a result, we identified four values:

Cooperation with Clients

We nurture relationships with clients, proactively develop them, and strive for long-term cooperation. We educate clients and propose effective solutions that expand the scope of our collaboration.

We are on the same team.

We cooperate in diverse teams, both internal and joint teams with clients. Our personalities or approaches often differ, but we acknowledge other viewpoints and respect each other's opinions. Each team member knows that they can count on their colleagues' support. Regardless of circumstances, we always have one joint goal and strive to achieve it as one team!

Joint successes and failures

The fact that we learn lessons together, and don't blame, and come up with solutions is what makes us stronger as we overcome failures. And when there is an opportunity, we appreciate and celebrate our individual and team successes!

Mutual Feedback

We give and receive feedback on each level of our organization. We provide it peer-to-peer and in a timely manner—as soon as possible after a situation occurs. We appreciate and praise each other, and in the case of corrective feedback, we provide it in a constructive way, based on facts, not opinions. We do not criticize; we propose specific solutions and take into account the other party's viewpoint.

People Matter

We manage teams guided by a culture of partnership and empathy—and such partnership is expected from everyone in the company. We promote open communication, mutual respect, and trust. We listen to and care for each other. We realize the importance of a harmonious team, so we strongly support the development of employee relations through team-building events, summer barbecues in our gardens, or working together from the office!

On the Job

You act autonomously in each project and take ownership of their results; thus, you get empowered and grow like lightning!
Another tender won or drawing conclusions after an unsuccessful campaign? All that shapes your experience and makes you an even better expert!

Mentoring and Knowledge Sharing

We hire the best specialists in the industry, and our long tenures testify to that. Indeed, you indicate most often that it is a workplace benefit to work side by side with a seasoned expert or that within the PM team, there is always someone who has expertise in that particular area. We share our knowledge and use cases during our team meetings, through newsletters, at catch-ups, or within working groups (e.g., AI tools development groups).


We are constantly expanding our training offerings through new workshops, offline training with the best industry experts, industry conferences, or certification programs such as DIMAQ, which is conducted annually.

Tools & Systems

We invest in cutting-edge tools and platforms, test new approaches and frameworks, and build our technological potential. This way, we are competitive, and you have the opportunity to participate in experiments and tests on tools that you will not find on the market!

Your Development

Once a year, we meet to fully assess your work (feedback 360) and finalize it by setting goals and making personalized plans to achieve them. This way, we work on your growth together! We also provide you with the opportunity to receive unlimited support from business coaches.

Digital Marketing Experts

We co-create and develop one of the biggest brands in Poland and globally. We follow trends and market changes on an ongoing basis. We study data and analyze consumer behaviours. We search for out-of-the-box and creative combinations. This way, we win new tenders, expand cooperation to new markets, and build not only the PM portfolio but also our personal brand.

Initiative & Creativity

We appreciate a proactive approach and undertaking new tasks. We promote synergistic thinking with respect to various digital products (also outside of one's scope of work). We are not scared to test non-standard matters in our everyday internal cooperation or our work with Clients. Each idea is important and looking from a time perspective, many of them resulted in new processes and tools that we are still utilizing.


We understand it as taking ownership of our Clients' growth, the quality of project management, and the quality of cooperation between internal teams at Performance Group. It is also a readiness to recognize mistakes and strive to fix things.

Work Smarter

We appreciate smart striving to streamline our everyday work. Everyone at Performance has power, so if we see that something does not work, there is potential to automate things, outsource services, an action that does not generate value, or a lack of a process, we present ideas, communicate them constructively, and implement solutions.

One Number

We strive for the best possible result from our actions for Clients and for us as an agency! We proactively contribute to a Client's growth or let the Client Service team know that there is a space to extend the portfolio of services.
We take advantage of opportunities that appear to achieve results exceeding our expectations.

Business Mindset

Our thinking is determined by our clients' needs, not only by a product or action we carry out. Every project team member knows business goals and clients' needs (even if they do not contact Clients directly). We develop a consulting model - the ability to build relationships and effective communication with a Client.

Ensuring profitability

Margin is a guidepost in our thinking. We verify the scope of an order, taking into consideration a Client's expectations. We ensure that our presence in a specific project has been adequately factored into the project budget estimate, except for delivering an excellent quality of work.

Personal Effectiveness

We use our subject matter expertise to perform our tasks effectively and solve problems efficiently (80:20). We deliver on time what we agreed on. If we don't provide that, we will report back about it on time and ask for support. We eliminate non-essential tasks and automate our work using AI and new technology.

How it's to work with us

  1. 2-3 dni w tygodniu pracujemy wspólnie w biurze. Resztę – z naszych domowych zakątków. Oczywiście jeśli chcesz pracować z biura możesz bywać i częściej!

  2. Nie mamy nic przeciwko elastycznym godzinom pracy! Zaczynasz, kiedy Ci pasuje, ale dbasz o to, żeby móc złapać się z klientem czy omówić projekty z zespołem. Lekarz w środku dnia? 🩺 Dla nas no problem! Odrabiasz po prostu w innym terminie.

  3. Przychodzisz w czym chcesz – tak jak Ci najwygodniej. Sprawdzi się zarówno t-shirt oraz trampki jak i koszula oraz szpilki!

  4. Nasze warszawskie biuro mieści się w klimatycznej willi otoczonej zielonym ogródkiem. Z kolei oddział w Lublinie zlokalizowany jest w przytulnie urządzonej przestrzeni biurowej. W naszych biurach staramy się oddać ciepło i komfort domowego klimatu, łącząc je z funkcjonalnością niezbędną w codziennej pracy. Jesteśmy również very dog-friendly, także wszystkie pieski są u nas absolutnie mile widziane!

  5. Urządzamy wigilie firmowe, jubileusze i imprezy okolicznościowe oraz wyjazdy integracyjne! A w sezonie wiosenno-letnim organizujemy grille w naszych ogrodach.

  6. Wierzymy, że nawet małe gesty mogą przyczynić się do dużych zmian, dlatego aktywnie uczestniczymy w różnych inicjatywach charytatywnych. Od lat wspieramy Szlachetną Paczkę, a nasi pracownicy mogą zgłaszać swoje pomysły dotyczące akcji społecznych dzięki grupie PMocnych, która koordynuje nasze zaangażowanie w tego typu projekty.

Check out our IG

Nasze benefity

  • Private healthcare
  • Psychological assistance and business coaching
  • English classes
  • Employee Referral Program and new business referral program
  • Cofinanced Multisport fitness card
  • Participation in training and industry conferences
  • Group life insurance
  • DIMAQ certification

Jak wygląda nasz proces rekrutacji:

  1. Selekcja aplikacji

    Tutaj szczegółowo analizujemy Twoje CV! To moment, w którym często prowadzimy wstępne wywiady telefoniczne, dlatego możesz spodziewać się, że zadzwonimy do Ciebie, aby zadać kilka dodatkowych pytań .

  2. Spotkanie z HR/Interview

    Na pierwszym etapie prawdopodobnie spotkasz kogoś z naszego działu HR. Porozmawiamy o Twoim doświadczeniu zawodowym, a także dowiesz się więcej o firmie oraz atmosferze, jaka u nas panuje.

  3. Spotkanie z przełożonym

    To okazja do poznania przyszłego przełożonego! Dowiesz się więcej o zespole oraz projektach, które na Ciebie czekają. Ten etap może poprzedzić zadanie, które potwierdzi Twoje umiejętności. 

  4. Decyzja

    Niezależnie od decyzji, jaką podejmiemy, zostaniesz o niej poinformowany.  Informacji zwrotnej udzielamy drogą mailową lub telefoniczną max do 2 tygodni od naszego ostatniego spotkania.

Otwarte rekrutacje

Nie znalazłeś oferty dla Ciebie - don't worry!

W PM zawsze szukamy utalentowanych ludzi!
Wyślij nam CV i bądźmy w kontakcie ;)

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